a decentralized and geographically dispersed open calculation system that is represented through the blockchain

In this article we will first introduce artificial intelligence and its application and then discuss the DAIN project which is a combination of blockchain and artificial intelligence
Dain is one of the Blockchain-based platforms that will be the only platform that functions as a provider of artificial intelligence, a decentralized public computer network and will be spread geographically. Where the platform was deliberately launched to overcome various kinds of problems that occur due to instability that is happening at the company. So by joining DAIN, companies only need to control it, because it is equipped with an artificial intelligence system that uses computerization accurately.
Dain can be said to be the same as Artificial Intelligence or better known as AI. Where AI is also a conventional artificial intelligence that can be processed by computer, but AI can only be processed in accordance with the data entered by the programmer and does not have common sense, so he only has the ability to process data without understanding the purpose. from data. In addition, AI also cannot develop science, which only has a dependency on data uploaded by programmers.
Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain:
AI or artificial intelligence, related to the theory and construction of machines that are able to perform a series of tasks that require intelligence. Today, sophisticated technology is trying to exploit this field in machines, artificial neural networks and deep learning. At the same time, Blockchain is a new system for digital information that stores data in encrypted and distributed form. Because data is stored on thousands of different computers, it will make it possible to create unreliable and reliable databases that can only be read, updated, and licensed by individuals. Although much has been said about the potential of combining the two technologies academically, their applications in the real world are rarely found today. However, this situation is expected to change in the future.
1. Artificial intelligence and cryptography work well together
2. Blockchain can help track, understand and explain the decisions made by AI
3. Artificial intelligence can manage blockchain better than humans
What is DAIN?
DAIN is the next generation artificial intelligence platform, a geographically distributed decentralized public computing network driven by the integration of the blockchain and artificial intelligence technology to solve and solve problems. This platform uses computing resources efficiently and without intermediaries from other devices located anywhere in the world to solve complex AI problems. DAIN awards hardware owners and maps the artificial intelligence market. This allows companies with similar needs to provide or find joint solutions.
DAIN aims to make artificial intelligence easy and affordable, accessible to all consumers, from small businesses to large companies, from knowledge to big data, reducing time to market in production models, and obtaining information and knowledge. Produce. This platform allows users to lease idle computing power from devices and computers to help companies in data processing, problem solving, and problem solving using artificial intelligence technology. It also allows companies to develop new business models, new customer relationship models, and new revenue streams, providing a secure environment where they can safely sell, build, sell, and execute knowledge, solutions, data and infrastructure to create, consume, and implementing artificial intelligence. To share. Using corporate DAIN platforms of various sizes, it can easily and efficiently train new models with its own data and / or data from external sources provided to DAIN and can model it with third party data. Change the existing data market. Companies can publish models in the model market and earn money while maintaining ownership, control, and model knowledge. Or, instead, it can benefit from its own data, which allows others to practice their model or run it with enriched data, all of which maintain data security without sharing it with third parties. he can easily and efficiently train new models with his own data and / or data from external sources provided to DAIN and can model them with third party data. Change the existing data market. Companies can publish models in the model market and earn money while maintaining ownership, control, and model knowledge. Or, instead, it can benefit from its own data, which allows others to practice their model or run it with enriched data, all of which maintain data security without sharing it with third parties. he can easily and efficiently train new models with his own data and / or data from external sources provided to DAIN and can model them with third party data. Change the existing data market. Companies can publish models in the model market and earn money while maintaining ownership, control, and model knowledge. Or, instead, it can benefit from its own data, which allows others to practice their model or run it with enriched data, all of which maintain data security without sharing it with third parties. Companies can publish models in the model market and earn money while maintaining ownership, control, and model knowledge. Or, instead, it can benefit from its own data, which allows others to practice their model or run it with enriched data, all of which maintain data security without sharing it with third parties. Companies can publish models in the model market and earn money while maintaining ownership, control, and model knowledge. Or, instead, it can benefit from its own data, which allows others to practice their model or run it with enriched data, all of which maintain data security without sharing it with third parties.
How can DAIN be compared to the cerebrum?
Each user can teach the brain how to do certain tasks and then ask these tasks to be executed. Likewise, other users can request the same task to be executed, as long as the first user has ordered the brain to allow others to access this knowledge.
The brain will remember all the tasks learned and continue to improve its performance. Finally, it can perform a number of tasks simultaneously, with its size limit only. The brain has the potential for unlimited growth by adding more computing devices. Like the natural brain, it must consume energy to do any task. In this case, energy is a gift given to the owner of the device.
To spearhead this transformation, we are building DAIN.
DAIN enables the efficient utilization of computing resources from any device located anywhere in the world, without intermediaries, to solve complex AI computing problems. This rewards hardware owners and establishes an AI market where companies with similar needs can provide or find joint solutions.
DAIN Token Value
DAIN tokens are directly related to network computing power. To measure network computing power, a reference index is defined: DIPS (DAIN Performance Index Standards). Each service request handled by the network can be marked with a DIPS number, which represents an estimate of the computational power needed to complete it. DAIN token (DAINT) is defined as the computational capacity that enables the implementation of 1 DIPS service request, in every active Minimum Resource Cell in the network. 1 DAINT = 1 DIPS x #MRCs To prevent the growth of artificial networks, each MRC requires a DAINT backup to be considered active and allowed to provide services.
While the price of certain tasks is driven by supply and demand, there is a pricing mechanism that links them with token values, reducing volatility.
DAIN Ecosystem
- With DAIN, organizations of all sizes will have access to register their assets to address problematic problems and show an interest in aggressive spending and the rise of AI.
- Companies will have the choice to consume pre-production AI models created and prepared by other DAIN members who choose to be placed in the system.
- DAIN There is no limit to information, asset registration, information or time to be spent on an AI model that will democratize to achieve AI.
- Manufacturers will have the option to adapt AI models that have been created for their own use or are produced for environmental use.
- They will have the option to generate new revenue streams from their information by enabling the preparation of an external model. Simultaneously, they will never have to share this information or lose their orders.
- Producer organizations will have the opportunity to generate income from the limits of determining their extra data centers by using their assets.
- End customers will have the option to generate revenue by selling additional vehicle registration limits. They will have the option to pay interest on these vehicles using their cellphones.
The following images show the features and performance of the DAIN ecosystem:
DAIN Token Value DAIN Token
is directly related to network computing power. To measure network computing power, a reference index is defined: DIPS (DAIN Performance Index Standards). Each service request handled by the network can be marked with a DIPS number, which represents the estimated computing power needed to complete it. DAIN token (DAINT) is defined as the computational capacity that enables the implementation of 1 DIPS service request, in every active Minimum Resource Cell in the network. 1 DAINT = 1 DIPS x #MRCs To prevent the growth of artificial networks, each MRC requires a DAINT backup to be considered active and allowed to provide services.
is directly related to network computing power. To measure network computing power, a reference index is defined: DIPS (DAIN Performance Index Standards). Each service request handled by the network can be marked with a DIPS number, which represents the estimated computing power needed to complete it. DAIN token (DAINT) is defined as the computational capacity that enables the implementation of 1 DIPS service request, in every active Minimum Resource Cell in the network. 1 DAINT = 1 DIPS x #MRCs To prevent the growth of artificial networks, each MRC requires a DAINT backup to be considered active and allowed to provide services.
While the price of certain tasks is driven by supply and demand, there is a pricing mechanism that links them with token values, reducing volatility.
Service Fees Services provided in DAIN have fees (dsf, DAIN service fees *) paid by the applicant. The purpose of this fee is to reward DAINT holders. Fees are determined as% of the service price, and the corresponding DAINT is
"Burned" (ie no longer circulating on the network). Because the total number of DAINT in the network decreases, the value of DAINT increases, directly giving rewards to DAINT holders.
Wealth Distribution
To ensure the continuity of the network, it is necessary to ensure that all participating actors get fair rewards, avoiding the centralization of wealth by actors with greater capacity or voice power.
To ensure the continuity of the network, it is necessary to ensure that all participating actors get fair rewards, avoiding the centralization of wealth by actors with greater capacity or voice power.
This mechanism encourages new users to share their computing resources through DAIN, regardless of how large or small the device's computing capacity is.
The DAIN protocol applies rules designed to ensure that all types of devices can have equal access to collaborative associations of nodes with heterogeneous characteristics, further ensuring a proportional distribution of gifts.
We just started, but everything has been mapped and planned. Learn about the next steps.
2018 Q3
DAIN network conceptualized
2018 Q4
DAIN complete technical design
2019 Q1
Agreement with Universidad Pontificia de Comillas to fund the DAIN research project
2019 Q2
DainWare is funding
White Paper published
Funds collected from 8 angel investors
Advisor Board
2019 Q3
Agreement with SecondWindow to provide development workforce
We're here
2019 Q4
IEO 1.0
Private Sale Token
Telefónica & Eleven Paths LoI left
2020 Q1
IEO 2.0 with additional exchanges for extended coverage
Research Article Publication
PoC Industrial Use Case
2020 Q2
2020 Q4
Demo Demo Concept
DainServices set
Service providers and Go-to-market service integrators
DAIN Team:
in connection with the DAIN project team, there is a strong core team. the team consists of experienced professionals from all over the world and in the field of startup, great entrepreneurship. The project also utilizes the collaboration of various departments and industries and academic specialties.
For more information, please visit the link below:
Official resources of the DAIN project:

WEBSITE: https://dain.ai

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/dainware

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/dainware

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/dainware

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