AUFIN PROTOCOL: Blast your account with just $1000 to $4,804,190 in 12 16 months.
Aufin is an AI-driven blockchain protocol powered by a new class of Artificial Intelligence: Cognitive Computing. Aufin defines a data structure called Cognitive Object, to store valuable data. Cognitive Objects are linked together in immutable blockchain-based graphs, and can be queried, updated, and shared by third parties. This enables a new form of open data that is decentralized, transparent and accountable. Aufin provides on-demand and trusted data by facilitating a marketplace where data providers can monetize their data and data consumers can buy the data they need from trusted sources. Aufin has a very attractive token sale structure. There is a total supply of 100 million tokens, with 60% of them being sold to the public in two stages, the first is private selling. The remaining 40% will be sold through two public sales, for a total of 10 million tokens sold each time. The public sale price will be lowered slightly each time to create a discount for early buyers.
Aufin Protocol redefines DeFi with Aufin Autostaking Protocol which provides the industry's highest fixed APY, rebasing rewards every 10 minutes, and a simple buy-hold-earn system that grows your portfolio in your wallet.
The Aufin Protocol is an abbreviated form of Automated Finance, a protocol that provides decentralized financial assets that reward users with a continuous fixed compound interest of up to 480,419.00% for the first 12 months.
Aufin focuses on DeFi innovation that creates benefits and value for Aufin token holders. Here are some of the benefits for $AUN holders:
Low Risk with Aufin Insurance — 5% of all trading fees are held in Aufin Insurance which helps to maintain and support bet rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk.
Easy and Safe Betting — Aufin tokens are always in your wallet so there is no need to hand over to third parties or centralized authorities. All you need to do is buy & hold because you automatically receive the prize in your own wallet so there is no more complicated betting process at all.
Interest Yield with Automatic Payments — you don't have to worry about staking your tokens back. Interest results are paid automatically and pooled in your own wallet, guaranteeing you will never miss a payment.
APY Remains High — Aufin paid 480,419.00% in the first 12 months rivaling anything in the DeFi arena to date. After the first 12 months, the interest rate drops during the Epoch.
Fast Interest Payments — The Aufin Protocol pays each Aufin Token holder every 10 minutes or 144 times daily, making it the fastest auto-incorporation protocol in crypto.
Automatic Token Burning — One of the interesting features of the Aufin Protocol is the automatic token burning system called “Aufin Fireplace” which prevents the circulating supply from getting out of control and getting out of control. The Fireplace burns 2.5% of all Aufin Token market sales and is burned in the same individual transactions.
Aufin InsuranceInsurance
Simply put, staking rewards (rebase rewards) distributed every 10 minutes at a rate of 0.01613% are backed by Insurance parameters, thus ensuring a high and stable interest rate for $AUN token holders.
5% of all trading fees are held in Aufin Insurance which helps to maintain and support the betting rewards provided by positive rebase.
Aufin Insurance maintains the security of its holders by:
Avoid flash crashes through price stability
Achieving the long-term sustainability and future growth of the Aufin Protocol
or reduce the risk of decline
Aufin's Treasury
The Aufin Treasury plays a very important role in the Aufin Protocol. It provides three functions that are critical to Aufin's growth and sustainability.
The treasury can become important in the event of an extreme drop in the price of the $AUN token or an unexpected black-swan event. It helps to set the base value for the $AUN token.
The treasury provides funds for marketing, hacking the growth of the Aufin community.
The treasury will be used to fund new Aufin products, services and projects that will develop and provide more value to the community.
Aufin fireplace
2.5% of all $AUN traded is burned at The Aufin Fireplace. The more $AUN traded, the more was put into the fire causing the fireplace to get bigger, bigger through self-fulfilling Auto-Compounding, reducing circulating supply and keeping the Aufin Protocol stable.
Another benefit of burning the circulating supply is that due to its deflationary nature, it equates to a higher value of each $SAUN token, thereby increasing the individual's value.
Aufin's Auto-Liquidity
Every 48 hours, Aufin Auto-Liquidity will inject automatic liquidity into the market. On every buy or sell order there is a 4% tax fee which is automatically deposited into the Auto-LP wallet and built into the smart contract our protocol is a mechanism that intelligently takes 50% of the $AUN amount stored in the wallet, and will automatically buy $BNB at the current market price.
The remaining 50% of $AUN in Auto-LP wallet will be used for the liquidity side of $AUN, therefore assigning a weighting of AUN/BNB equivalent to 50/50 which will then be automatically added as new additional liquidity to the pairs market and increase the amount of liquidity in pools.
Aufin Auto-Liquidity will do this every 48 hours by adding more and more liquidity to the pool which will allow $AUN token holders to easily sell their tokens at any time with little or no market slippage. This will also assist in maintaining protocol stability to ensure APY is upheld throughout the life of the Aufin Protocol.
APY stands for Annual Percentage Yield. It measures the real rate of return on your principal amount taking into account the effects of compound interest. In Aufin's case, your $AUN token represents your principal, and compound interest is added periodically on each Rebase event (Every 10 minutes), otherwise known as an 'Epoch'.
Your new principal amount is your current amount of Aufin tokens, plus your new rebase token amount. This total amount will be calculated for your next rebase reward.
Power of Compound Interest — It is important to note that your balance will grow not linearly but exponentially over time. Taking compound interest 0.01613% / 10 minutes:
Example: If you start with a balance of only 1,000 $AUN on the first day, after one year, your balance will increase to 4,804,190 $AUN.
Each Flower Cycle is 10 minutes long and is referred to as an EPOCH.
There were 52,560 EPOCH in 1 year.
EPOCH 1–52,560: 0.01613% per EPOCH (12 Months First)
EPOCH 52,561–78,840: 0.00162% per EPOCH (6 months ahead)
EPOCH 78,841–236,520: 0.00010% per EPOCH (Next 4.5 Years)
EPOCH 236.521: 0.00002% every EPOCH (Forever until maximum supply is reached)
The BEP 20 token is created for easy transfer of value between businesses and consumers based on the Binance network.
AUFIN (AUTO-MINING FINANCIAL NETWORK) is a blockchain protocol that offers an automatic staking and compounding mechanism, allowing everyone with AUFIN tokens in their wallet to receive rewards every day. We call it - AUTO-STAKING which returns 100% of all transactions to the user as a gift and COMPLICATIONS, which accumulates all interest received to your account.
In the modern world, technology is changing the way we live. Many people use smartphones, computers, and other devices to conduct their business and financial transactions. However, a lot of people still rely on traditional methods to manage their financial lives. As a result, the world of finance is changing. Technology is now being used to help people manage their finances and make better decisions. The AUFIN blockchain protocol is being developed to take advantage of this trend. It aims to improve the way that people manage their wealth. The AUFIN protocol is designed to do this through a series of innovative technologies. The AUFIN protocol has some great advantages over the current financial management options.
$AUN TOKEN $AUN tokens are distributed every ten minutes for the next twelve years as a reward to token owners. Every time you receive an AUN reward, your position in the queue to get paid again is automatically moved up, meaning that even if you occasionally miss a payment, your total earnings will always increase as long as you are tokenized. holder. NO TEAM TOKEN NO ADDITIONAL MINTS NO WITHDRAW GEMS
TRADING COSTS When you trade as an investor, on average you have to pay 16% of the value of your trade in transaction fees (known as “taker fees).” The lower fee structure we have at Aufin gives us the ability to return 480,419.00% annually to our investors' credit accounts.
CONCLUSION Aufin Protocol is a protocol that allows users to generate continuous fixed compound interest on their assets. This is done by using Ethereum smart contracts to allow users to store their assets in the #Aufin Wallet, where the protocol will generate interest automatically. The protocol will use the Ethereum blockchain technology to allow users to earn a continuous, fixed compound interest.
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